2025 Parish Stewardship at St. Martin of Tours

begins October 27, 2024

Near the end of each year, we take time to not only thank everyone who financially supports

St. Martin of Tours, but to invite members of this community to consider a pledge for the next year, one made in gratitude for God's abundant blessings. Pledge cards are available inside church beginning October 27, and can be returned to the Parish Office or a collection basket during Mass.

Many lives have been spiritually formed by the sacraments and ministries at St. Martin of Tours - Auxiliary Bishop Schuster reflects on his own journey in the video below. Explore the other content available on this page to enhance your appreciation of, and prayerful participation in,

our Parish's 2025 campaign.

We sincerely appreciate your financial commitment!

  • Stewardship-Appeal comparison

    When our Parish announces the start of Stewardship each fall, parishioners may wonder if this campaign differs from the Annual Catholic Appeal (held in the spring). It does! 

    Click here for a helpful comparison sheet between the two campaigns.