Become a Catholic through OCIA

(formerly known as RCIA)

Wednesdays in the Parish Hall

(7 to 8 pm)

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults and families) is for those who are seeking to join or return to the Catholic faith. (This was formerly known as RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.) At St. Martin of Tours Parish, we have a program that forms people as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Tradition.

click here to register

Despite our teaching certain content during distinct times of the year, visitors are welcome at any point throughout the program. You can participate if you are already a Catholic and find a topic that interests you, or are supporting a friend on their faith journey.

For details, please call Ms. Terri in our Parish Office at (253) 922-7882 or send her an email. You may also speak with Father Cal, Father Maximiliano or Father Dexter after Masses.