Parish groups and opportunities to help

The smaller communities within our Parish make so much possible.

Please check out these groups to see where your time and talents can find a place to shine!

For information on other opportunities, call the Parish Office at (253) 922-7882 or send an email.

  • Fife-Milton community food bank

    August 2024 update

    There is a current need for canned fruit, canned meat (any type with easy-to-open lids), Rice-a-Roni, and Pasta Roni. Donations may be left at the Food Bank or inside church. You help fill our shelves!

    Located on the St. Martin of Tours campus, the Food Bank appreciates the many gifts provided by volunteers and donors. Call (253) 922-0960 to join this wonderful ministry today!

    Information for donors

    - Financial gifts may be left in a collection basket during Mass (please make out checks to 'Fife-Milton Food Bank')

    Learn more about the Food Bank on our Outreach webpage.

  • Altar Society

    August 2024 update

    The ladies of Altar Society express gratitude to all within our Parish Family and beyond who contributed to the annual Rummage Sale (August 2 and 3). The donors, wonderful volunteers, those who set up and cleaned, and all shoppers made this a success. We appreciate how our community came together, giving their time and energy all month long for our Parish's largest fundraiser. We truly thank you!

    Monthly meetings

    Society members resume their regular meeting schedule (1st Tuesday of each month at 10 am in the Parish Center) in September. We provide a light lunch and are always eager to have more ladies of the Parish join! 

    The Altar Society serves in many functions, including the raising of funds to supply candles and linens for the altar throughout the year, and decorations for Easter and Christmas Masses. For more information, contact Ann Martin at

    (253) 927-4627 or by email.

  • Saint Vincent de Paul

    St. Vincent de Paul serves the elderly and needy in our community in providing assistance with food, rent, utilities or prescription medication. If you are in need, please call

    (253) 970-9037.

    New volunteers are welcome! Members meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month at 10 am in the Parish Center. (Note: The regular schedule is modified during the summer - in August, there is only a meeting on Wednesday the 7th.)

    To help the continuing mission of St. Vincent de Paul Conference, checks (made out to 'Fife St. Vincent de Paul') can be mailed or delivered to:

    St. Martin of Tours Parish Office

    2303 54th Ave E

    Fife, WA 98424

  • HomeBound Ministry

    Parish volunteers bring Holy Communion to the homes of long-term homebound Catholics who are unable to attend Mass due to health or other reasons.

    If you know someone who would like to receive Communion at home, please call the Parish Office at (253) 922-7882.

  • sunday coffee hour ministry

    More than provide food, those who host our weekly Sunday Coffee Hour help grow relationships between parishioners and build up the community of faith at St. Martin of Tours. We have upcoming dates available for Parish families or groups interested in hosting after the 8:30 and 10 am Masses.

    To learn more, please call Christopher in our Parish Office: (253) 286-0021.

  • Columbiettes, Auxiliary 1629

    For Catholic women 18 years and older, this group is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and is combined from multiple parishes in Pierce County.  It is a charitable, not-for-profit organization, supporting many different charities and involved in community activities as well as working collectively with the brother Knights to promote faith and unity. 

    You will have the opportunity to meet other women who share your interests through social events and religious works. Our organization is united by our Catholic faith, the love of our family and country, and our commitment to helping others.

    If you are interested in joining, please contact Mary Peterson at (253) 845-5539 or through email.