Coming up:
Dedication of the Pope Francis Jubilee House
Saturday, November 19, 2016
1006 104th St E Tacoma WA 98445
Join us for a celebration of the completion of Pope Francis' Jubilee House! Tour the home, enjoy some refreshments, and hear stories from those involved with the building process! For more information, please contact: Dan Fannin, (253) 229-7877.
About the Pope Francis Jubilee House:
In partnership with the Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity, the parishes of the Pierce County Deanery will be working together to fund, build, and dedicate a house to Pope Francis in honor of his Jubilee Year of Mercy. This commitment provides every Catholic in the County with an opportunity as their time and abilities permit.
Work on the house begins in early June, so begin planning today. Some of the ways you may wish to support this commitment to the Pope's Jubilee House are:
- Give financially. St. Martin of Tours Parish has a fundraising goal of $2,855 for this project. Contributions may be made by dropping off your gift of cash or check into the collection basket at Mass. Please make all checks out to St Martin of Tours Parish and write "Jubilee House" in the memo line.
- Name the House. We are calling it the "Pope Francis Jubilee House" for the time being, but we need a better name! The winner will help dedicate a plaque for the house.
- Videography. We want to produce a complete digital scrapbook documenting out celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We hope to send a copy to Pope Francis!
- Social Media. We will need a Facebook guru and contributors to keep everyone in all the parishes aware of our progress.
- Nutrition. Snacks and lunches for those at the construction site. This might be something small groups could handle.
- Family Selection. Encourage qualifying parishioners to apply for the house. Help find a family who will own and live in the house when it is finished. Contact Rebecca Glover at the Habitat office at (253) 627-5626 X105 to discuss qualifications.
Please join us in helping to make this Jubilee Year of Mercy one to be remembered.
Your help is needed at other times as well! Please join us in helping to make this Jubilee Year of Mercy one to be remembered. To volunteer or for more information, please contact either Dan Fannin at (253) 588-5956 or (253) 229-7877, or email, or leave a message at the Pierce County Deanery Office at