Tuesday - October 18, 2016
3pm-4:30pm or 7pm-8:30pm
This free seminar is for everyone! Adults of all ages, with estates of all sizes, will benefit from this seminar, which will be presented with the help of a local, on-site attorney.
Join us for 90 minutes and learn more about the following:
- How to prepare a will
- How to distribute your estate
- Guardianship issues
- Estate gifting techniques and tax-saving options
- Methods of increasing your retirement income
- How to leave a legacy to our parish community
- Assurance that "putting your affairs in order" is easier than you may think
Please register by October 9 to plan for materials and refreshments. To RSVP, please call the parish office at (253) 922-7882 or click here to email our staff. Please remember to specify which session time you would like to attend.
Childcare will be available. Please let us know how many children you will be signing up for childcare so that we can plan accordingly.