Recent events

Scroll down to enjoy pictures of special occasions throughout our Parish Family!

September 22, 2024

Installation Mass for Father Cal

The Installation Mass for Father Cal was a special moment for our Parish Family. The liturgy at Sacred Heart included our new Pastor greeting staff and Pastoral Councils from our 3 Parishes, and reciting and signing the Oath of Fidelity. Celebrant Bishop Schuster also blessed the newly-installed Sacred Heart Church logo. Thank you to everyone who attended, as well as all laity and clergy who organized this wonderful afternoon. Prayers for our Pastor and Vicars!

September 15, 2024

Coffee Hour brunch with St. Vincent de Paul Conference

Thank you to our "Vinnies" for serving a great meal to parishioners after Masses at St. Martin of Tours, and to all who attended! Donations received help fund assistance projects organized by St. Vincent de Paul Conference.